Whatscan for Whatsapp web Easiest & Fastest For whatsapp web all features in one app which is light weight and can handle two whatsapp account in one mobile ...With Whatsapp web qr code scanner, you can : website1. Open the same multiple whatsapp account on multiple devices or Mobile.2. Whatsapp web messenger and Chatting. Whatsweb for whatsapp3. Easy to: download Whatscan web & Whatsapp web for android.
HOW TO USE1. Install and Open Whatscan on device (Phone/Tablet) you want to sync/clone your whatsapp to2. Open whatsapp on your main phone (the account you want to clone)- On Android: Scroll to the Chats screen -> Menu -> whatsapp Web.- On Phone: Click Settings -> whatsapp Web.- On Nokiaa and Windows Phone: Go to Menu -> whatsapp Web.- On BlackBrry: Go to Chats -> Menu -> whatsapp Web.- On BlackBrry 10: Swipe down from top of the screen -> whatsapp Web.
3. After clicking whatsapp web, you should see a camera QR scanning screen.4. Now scan the QR code displayed on whatsweb5. Done! Sync complete! Now you can access the same whatsapp account on both devices!6. Enjoy 2 whatsapp in 1 device!
Note: This app is an independent one and is not affiliated with any other company including WhatsApp Inc.